Monday, April 27, 2009


Hi everyone!

If you've been following for a while, you may recognize this one from last year. I just lazy-colored it while watching a documentary on ancient marsupials tonight, so I figured I may as well show it to you!

Today went well, although I'm sure tomorrow won't be even close.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

whoa, update?

just a black-tailed bunn and some chiropterans.
oh, and an Ammospermophilus harrisi trying to cool off because its SO HOT HERE!!

i'm doing okay, just can't wait to get home to Sydney Carton! who, if you don't know, is my new bunn! yeahyeahyeah!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


my "thank-you" to a mr. stan sakai for his 25 year-long effort in making the greatest (and only) samurai rabbit comic EVER.

My life is okay, busy still with school. this is the only doodle i have had time for in the past few weeks - no lie. i bought a sketchbook yesterday and i'lll do my best to fill it up...

<3 Jenn