Tuesday, September 15, 2009

it's toshi #1: hello

hello everyone. jenn is busy today and tomorrow, so i will update the blog for the next couple of days.
if you don't know, my name is toshi, and i am a rabbit. i live in a cage in jenn's room that i decorated myself. i live with two other humans and a dog called charlie
i drew a picture of it so you can see.

i have read some of a blog called 'heypais' (you can google it) and i thought it would be okay to draw some comics about my life as a rabbit. maybe you'll like them.

this is a picture of me and of jenn too. thank you for reading!


Nikki L. said...

so, when is toshi going to get his own blog?

jenn said...

maybe he'll just take mine... i wasn't a good blogger anyway. :/